Best Heroine Moments In Horror Films – Part 4

I’m back with part 4 of the best heroine moments in the horror genre! For this series, I took characters I consider heroines and I discuss their best moments. I mostly love their bravery, intelligence, and will to survive whatever is threatening them. I hope you enjoy and let me know your favorite horror movie heroine moment! (MAJOR SPOILERS!!!)

When Carrie Killed Margaret – Carrie (1976)

Carrie White never had an easy life. At just 16 years old, she had to deal with bullying from her entire class, and life at home wasn’t any better. The poor girl had to be raised by her psycho, abusive, religious mother, Margaret. Once Carrie realized she had telekinetic abilities, she started to take more control of her life. She finally stood up to her mother one night and when Margaret witnessed her powers, she was convinced it was the work of the Devil. After tragic events happened at the hands of Carrie, she ran home to find her mother. Margaret told her she should’ve killed her when she was a baby and proceeded to stab her in the back. In order to protect herself, Carrie used her powers to stab Margaret with every sharp thing nearby. Now I know that it’s debatable on whether Carrie White should be considered a heroine or not, but this moment was just so great, I had to include it in this series!

When Kay-Em Destroyed Jason – Jason X

Kay-Em was a hyper-realistic android created by genius student Tsunaron. While they and Tsunaron’s classmates were on a field trip to the now destroyed Earth, they came across legendary serial killer, Jason Voorhees frozen and supposedly dead. Believing he was no longer a threat, the group brought Jason on board their spaceship. This turned out to be a big mistake as Jason woke up and began picking off the ship’s residents one by one. As the survivors try to figure out how to get off the ship safely, Tsunaron decided to give Kay-Em an epic upgrade. With her new weapons and skills, Kay-Em shot, punched, and kicked Jason all over the place. She came at him at every angle, and blew his arm, leg, and head right off. Then to put the icing on the cake, she stabbed him with his own machete. It was one of my favorite fight scenes in the entire horror genre!

When Alex Got The Upper Hand On Marie – High Tension

All Alex wanted was to take her best friend Marie to meet her family and study in a quiet, peaceful environment. She had no idea that Marie had a crush on her, and that crush would soon turn into an obsession. In the middle of the night, Marie brutally slaughtered Alex’s parents and little brother, tied Alex up and threw her in the back of a seedy truck. In Marie’s mind, it was all done at the hands of a psychotic stranger and she was the hero of the story. She ended up “killing” the maniac and “saving” Alex. That gave Alex the upper hand to injure Marie and run away. This didn’t last long as Marie caught up to her and started waving a saw in her face. Alex had no choice but to make Marie believe that she loved her. As soon as Marie let her guard down and kissed Alex, Alex took the opportunity and stabbed Marie with a crowbar. This poor girl had to deal with so much loss and tragedy at the hands of someone who was supposed to be her friend, but she didn’t give up.

When Blind Mag Took Her Own Eyes Out – Repo! The Genetic Opera

In a world where organ failure was at an all time high, a company rose, loaning out fresh and healthy organs to people. However, if someone didn’t pay, then a repo man would hunt them down, kill them, and retrieve the company’s organs. Blind Mag, a beautifully gifted singer, was given new eyes and new fame, but in return, she was in the company’s pocket for the rest of her life. Finally finished with this company and the man who ran it, Rotti, Mag announced her final performance, knowing that Rotti would sic the repo man on her. As she was on the stage, singing her final song, she decided to take control for once in her life and she dug her own eyes out in front of Rotti and the rest of the world. It was a great middle finger to Rotti and a hell of a way to go out. She has my undying respect!

When Natalie Sawed Her Own Arm Off – Evil Dead

Natalie was an innocent young woman who joined her boyfriend, David and his friends to help his sister, Mia fight her addiction. Things got off to a rocky start and they got even rockier after one of the friends, Eric read from a mysterious book that unleashed a supernatural demonic force that possessed Mia. Mia ended up infecting Natalie by biting her hand and forcing blood down her throat in an non-consensual kiss. While Natalie tried to clean the wound on her hand, she realized that her hand started to take a life of its own. Refusing to be possessed, she grabbed a nearby electric knife and proceeded to saw her own arm off. Even though she was too late, I have to say I admire her drive. She certainly was a fighter.

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