Ranking The Segments In The Simpsons Treehouse Of Horror: Episode III

I’m back with the latest installment of ranking The Simpsons Treehouse Of Horror segments! Today’s post is all about episode 3! We have zombies, giant apes, killer dolls, and lots of unforgettable moments. If you enjoy this, be sure to check out my ranking of episode 1 and 2! I hope you enjoy and let me know your favorite episode 3 segment!

3. Dial “Z” For Zombies

After coming across a book of magic spells, Bart (Nancy Cartwright) got the idea to resurrect Lisa’s (Yeardley Smith) dead cat, Snowball I. They failed to resurrect the cat, and they ended up bringing all of the corpses in the cemetery back to life, causing a zombie apocalypse. This one is last for me because, even though I love a good zombie tale, this segment had a really hard time standing out. It’s pretty forgettable, even after JUST watching it.

Favorite Moment: When the zombies didn’t want Homer (Dan Castellaneta) cause he doesn’t have a brain.

2. Clown Without Pity

After dropping the ball and not getting Bart a gift for his birthday, Homer purchased a mysterious talking Krusty doll, unaware that it’s evil and it wants to kill him. This segment has some of the best and most memorable moments. I love a good creepy doll movie and I have to admit Krusty was just so darn cute! It had some great moments and I love the Child’s Play/Trilogy Of Terror vibe.

Favorite Moment: When Homer put the doll in a bag filled with his socks.

1. King Homer

In this King Kong parody, King Homer was a giant ape who fell in love with human beauty, Marge (Julie Kavner). After being taken from his home and shipped to New York, he escaped and ran amok in the city, eating everyone in his path. I’ve never actually seen the original King Kong film, but I love this parody! This segment became my top choice mostly because it has so many funny moments, that it was truly difficult to pick a favorite. It was a great parody and it stood out above the others for me.

Favorite Moment: When the group tried to remain inconspicuous but Marge’s hair could clearly be seen.

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