My Favorite ‘Pet Sematary’ Quotes

As I’ve probably said before, Pet Sematary will always hold a special place in my heart. It was the first Stephen King story I’ve ever read and this movie is one of my all-time favorites. Today, I wanted to honor the film by sharing some of my favorite quotes. With their originality, executions, and overall impact, these are some of the quotes I think about on a regular basis. I hope you enjoy and let me know your favorite Pet Sematary quote! (SPOILER ALERT!!!)

Victor Pascow (Brad Greenquist):This is the place where the dead speak. Don’t go on, Doc. No matter how much you may feel you have to, do not go on to the place where the dead walk.

Jud Crandall (Fred Gwynne):The person you put up there ain’t the person that comes back. It may look like that person, but it ain’t that person. ‘Cause whatever lives in the ground beyond the Pet Sematary ain’t human at all.

Victor:The soil of a man’s heart is stonier, Louis.

Irwin Goldman (Michael Lombard):What can I say? I lost my mind.

Louis Creed (Dale Midkiff):We all lost our minds, Irwin.

Zelda Goldman (Andrew Hubatsek):I’m coming for you, Rachel. And this time, I’ll get you. Gage and I will get you for letting us die.

Louis:No. I think we go on. Yeah. I have faith in that.

Jud:You know that path your wife commented on? That road and those Orinco trucks are the two main reasons it’s there.

Victor:It’s trying to stop you. Do you hear me? It’s trying to stop you.

Louis:My father used to have a saying, Jud. ‘God sees the truth but waits.’”

Jud:I told you it was a bad road, Louis. It’s killed a lot of pets, made a lot of kids unhappy. At least something good come of it. This place. Couldn’t plant nothing but corpses here, anyway, I guess.

Louis:Come back to me, Gage. Come back to us.

Rachel Creed (Denise Crosby):She was in the back bedroom like a dirty secret. My sister died in the back bedroom and that’s what she was. A dirty secret.

Jud:Ellie, do you know what a graveyard really is?

Ellie Creed (Blaze Berdahl):Well, I guess not.

Jud:It’s a place where the dead speak. No, not right out loud.

Ellie:Well, make sure you put him down in the cellar before you go to bed so he won’t run out in the road. And… and kiss him goodnight for me.

Louis:Yuck. Kiss your own cat.

Rachel:Don’t shilly-shally, Louis. Give the little girl a promise.

Timmy Baterman (Peter Stader):Love Dad. Hate living.

Ellie:Daddy? God could take it back if he wanted to, couldn’t he? If he really, really wanted to. Can I have faith in that?

Rachel:Even now, I wake up and I think, ‘Is Zelda dead yet?’”

Missy Dandridge (Susan Blommaert):Going to get his-

Louis:Nuts cut, yes. Thank you, Missy, for introducing that colorful phrase into my daughter’s vocabulary.”

Missy:Don’t mention it.

Rachel:They thought I was crying. But you know something? I think maybe I was laughing.

Gage Creed (Miko Hughes):Let’s play hide and go seek!

Louis:I told Rachel not so much as a sprain today, my friend.

Rachel:How can you call it a good thing? A graveyard for pets killed in the road built by brokenhearted children.

Louis:Well, if it was up to me, I’d let Church live to be a hundred, but I don’t make up the rules.

Ellie:Well, who does? God, I suppose. He’s not God’s cat, he’s my cat. Let God get his own if he wants one. Not mine. Not mine!

Jud:When you talk to them, not one word about what we done tonight.

Louis:What did we do tonight, Jud?

Mourning Child:This is where my kitty lays. No more he screams and hollers. He lived for 5 and 20 days. He cost me 50 dollars.

Rachel:Still friends, Doc?

Jud’s Mother (Lisa Stathoplos):Jud, come and get your dog! He stinks of the ground you buried him in!

Louis:I don’t like this dream.

Victor:Who said you were dreaming?

Rachel:Get him, Louis! Get the baby! Get the baby! Get the baby!

Louis:Gage, what have you done?

Dory Goldman (Mary Louise Wilson):He probably went out for a hamburger or a chicken dinner, dear. You know how men are when they’re alone.

Jud:You’re thinking thoughts best not thought of, Louis.

Louis:I’m thinking about going to bed.

Victor:Come on, Doc. We’ve got places to go. Come on, Doc. Don’t make me tell you twice.

Jud:You’ve done it, you stupid old man. Now you got to undo it.

Jud:This ain’t a scary place, Ellie. It’s a place of rest and speaking.

Irwin:I knew something like this would happen. I told her when you were first married you’ll have all the grief you can stand and more, I said. Now look at this. I hope you rot in Hell! Where were you when he was playing in the road? You stinking s**t! You killer of children!

Rachel:I don’t like to think of you rattling around the house on Thanksgiving Day. That’s supposed to be a family holiday, Louis.

Louis:That’s why you’re going with the kids and without me. As far as your dad is concerned, I’m never going to be a member of the family.

Louis:F**k off, hairball.

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