My Favorite ‘Pet Sematary’ Quotes

Jud:How’s your cat, Louis?

Louis:It’s Ellie’s cat.”

Jud:No. It’s your cat now.

Victor:The barrier was not meant to be crossed.

Louis:Today is Thanksgiving Day for cats. But only if they came back from the dead.

Gage:I’m at Jud’s, Daddy. Will you come over and play with me? First I played with Jud. Then Mommy came, and I played with Mommy. We played, Daddy. We had an awful good time. Now I want to play with you.

Louis:If it doesn’t work, if he comes back and he’s like Jud said Timmy Baterman was, I’ll just put him back to sleep. They don’t have to know. Rachel and Ellie don’t ever have to know.

Rachel:We wanted her to die. We wished for her to be dead. It wasn’t just so she wouldn’t feel any more pain. It was so we wouldn’t feel any more pain.

Jud:They stopped using that burial ground when the ground went sour. Don’t think about doing it, Louis. The place gets hold of you, but the place is evil. Sometimes, dead is better.

Ellie:It got away from him, that numb s**t!

Minister (Stephen King):And now, may the Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord make his face to shine upon you and comfort you and lift you up and give you peace. Amen.

Gage:Scared you, didn’t I?

Louis:Alright, Gage. Let’s play.

Jud:Maybe, with more time, she’ll learn what death really is. Which is where the pain stops and the good memories begin.

Gage:No fair. No fair, no fair.

Jud:What we did, Louis, was a secret thing. Women are supposed to be the ones who are good at keeping secrets. But any woman who knows anything at all will tell you she’s never seen into a man’s heart. The soil of a man’s heart, Louis, is stonier, like the soil up there in the old Micmac burying ground.

Louis:It’s wrong. What happened to you is wrong.

Rachel:I ran out the house, screaming, ‘Zelda’s dead! Zelda’s dead! Zelda’s dead!’”

Zelda:Rachel, is that you? I finally came back for you, Rachel. I’m going to twist your back like mine so you’ll never get out of bed again. Never get out of bed again. Never get out of bed again! Never get out of bed again!

Jud:Almost there, Louis.

Louis:You keep saying that.

Jud:This time, I mean it.

Mourning Child:Bye, old Shep. See you in heaven, yeah?

Jud:Sure it was dark. But his head swiveled on his neck like it was full of ball bearings. When you moved him, he pulled out of frost, Louis. Sounded like a piece of sticky tape coming off a letter. Live things don’t do that. You only stop melting the frost under where you’re laying when you’re dead.

Louis:You scared the life out of me, Church.

Jud:Louis, you alright?

Louis:Yeah. I guess I just lost my happy thoughts there for a second.

Louis:Anyone who can scream that loud isn’t ready for intensive care just yet.

Jud:I think you’re gonna be just as happy as a clam here, Ellen Creed.

Ellie:Are clams really happy?

Louis:Oh, you’re very welcome. But, if anything does happen while he’s under the gas, now, it’s a one in a thousand shot, but it does happen, you explain it to her.

Jud:Poor Missy. I don’t know why God’d take someone like her, who should still have a bunch of years left in front of her, and lets an old fart like me just go on and on.

Missy:Always thought it would be lucky to marry a doctor. Wish I had a doctor around with my stomach pain so bad. Guess I’ll never be lucky. Hell, I ain’t married to anyone.

Jud:I’m saying that place might have made Gage die because I introduced you to the power. I may have murdered your son, Louis.

Victor:The ground beyond is sour.

Pet Headstone:Biffer, Biffer, a hell of a sniffer. Until he died, he made us richer.

Louis:Has anyone ever buried a person up there?

Jud:Christ on his throne, no! And who ever would?

Jud:A man doesn’t always know why he does things, Louis.

Louis:It’s not my fault that you died. You were as good as dead when they brought you in.

Jud:The soil of a man’s heart is stonier, Louis. A man grows what he can, then he tends it. Because what you buy is what you own. And what you own always comes home to you.


Jud:Yeah. That’s a good story. And a good walk. I’ll take you up there sometime. Tell you the story, too.

Gage:I brought you something, Mommy.

Jud:I’m responsible for more pain in your heart than you should have tonight.

Rachel:I’m sure things will be fine.

Victor:I’m not.

Louis:Go on. Lie down. Play dead. Be dead!

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